
Canadian Border Open Again, But Amtrak’s Still Stuck in the Station

By Railfan & Railroad Staff

WASHINGTON — The U.S.-Canada border has reopened to fully vaccinated travelers, but Amtrak service across the international boundary is still stuck at the station. 

Prior to the pandemic, Amtrak operated three services over the border: the Maple Leaf to Toronto, the Adirondack to Montreal and the Cascades to Vancouver. All three services over the border were cut at the beginning of the pandemic when leisure travel between the two countries was suspended. Earlier this fall, Canada started letting vaccinated Americans over the border (besides being vaccinated, travelers need a negative COVID test) and this week vaccinated Canadians are again able to enter the U.S. (no test needed until they need to return north). 

Amtrak officials have said they are working with government authorities to figure out the best way to resume service, and specifically meet the travel requirements established by each country (confirming vaccination status etc.).

“We hope to resume passenger rail service between our two countries a short time after the borders reopen and will announce at a later date when services will be restored,” the railroad wrote recently. 

This article was posted on: November 9, 2021