
OmniTRAX to Takeover South Branch Valley Railroad

OmniTRAX has filed paperwork to take over West Virginia’s South Branch Valley Railroad. Photo by John Leopard.

OmniTRAX to Takeover South Branch Valley Railroad

By Railfan & Railroad Staff

OmniTRAX was expected to take over West Virginia’s South Branch Valley Railroad, according to filings with the U.S. Surface Transportation Board. The changeover was expected to take place in mid-September once OmniTRAX has been given common carrier status to operate the line. 

The South Branch Valley operates on 52.4 miles of former Baltimore & Ohio track between Green Springs and Petersburg, W.Va. Since the 1970s, the line has been owned and operated by the West Virginia State Rail Authority. The South Branch Valley has used a fleet of EMDs in a B&O-inspired paint scheme. The line also hosts excursion trains operated by the Potomac Eagle.

According to the documents filed with the STB, the South Branch Valley name is expected to remain. 

This article was posted on: August 25, 2023